Metal detection tests are used to identify undesirable objects on a person. This could be anything from a pen or a fork, to something more sinister such as a knife or firearm.

Personal metal detection tests are generally conducted with a hand-held metal detector. The person being scanned will first be asked to remove everything from their pockets so that the detector does not go off unnecessarily. Items commonly found in pockets, such as coins, phones or jewellery will most definitely set off a detector.

Metal detectors, be they the large ones you walk through at airports or the handheld ones used by patrolling security guards, work on the electromagnetic principle. They detect items that have the ability to conduct electrical current. When a detector pans across a surface that is concealing a metal object, the magnetic field in the detector picks up the charge from the metal and makes a “beep” noise.

Conducting personal metal detection tests are a standard operating procedure for many secure sites when people are entering or exiting the premises. It is used in a wide variety of situations, from entertainment and sporting events, to airports, office buildings and mines. These procedures are undertaken by trained professionals to ensure optimal safety. Often it is not only crucial to monitor what goes into these sensitive environments, but also what is taken out.

Diamond Protection staff are experienced in such procedures and currently conduct them regularly at various sites nationally. Please watch the below video for a practical, step-by-step demonstration done by our Diamond Protection training team.


Diamond Protection Pty Ltd (Diamond) is a leading provider of security, emergency and training services. Established in 1995, this Australian owned and operated company is committed to leading the way – to be the standard of excellence. Diamond operates an internationally certified Integrated Management System (IMS) incorporating ISO accreditation for Quality (ISO 9001:2008), Occupational Health & Safety (AS/NZS 4801 & OHSAS18001:2007) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2004) Systems. The company has placed significant importance in continual improvement and commitment to the community and environment.

Diamond works closely with clients throughout Australia and beyond to provide security audits, security guards / officers, patrols, risk management, emergency service officers, safety officers, life support and nationally recognised training courses in partnership with Australian government and private Registered Training Organisations.

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